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Hey there! I'm a little free library lady. Would you be cool if I printed out some copies of this and included it (with dice!) in little free libraries? I have these cards I had printed up that I write in where to find you. Thanks in advance!



I will be very happy if you do it. Thank you for including my game. I would also recommend Troll keepers - It looks worse but it has very good opinions. Link

Thank you for saying yes!! Troll Keepers looks rad as hell, I'm totally including it on my list too!! Thank you!

Hej Super pomysł! Trafia na moją listę szybkich gier do grania ad hoc. Wyobrażam sobie że spokojnie można by w to też zagrać solo i dodać jakiś generator misji i przeszkód. 

Dziekuję! Takie właśnie playsety planuje zrobić. Trochę z losowymi przeszkodami/wrogami czerpiące z OSRowych tabelek. Mają pomagać w improwizacji czyli będą to generalne hasła. Zobaczymy jaki będzie odbiór. 

Very promising and light-weight game, using in clever way mechanics such as progress clocks or metacurrencies ("I have this job!" is indeed a really funny trick). It's based on full improv, but the mechanics help the group to move it without any prep. It may benefit from additional random tables or playsets, but it's a standalone product nonetheless. If you're searching for an easy-to-learn, quick and funny one-shot with friends, look no further. :)